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The Value of Constructive Feedback

Honest, ruthless, measured, supportive, encouraging – my client feedback hits all these marks. I’m lucky though because a microphone never lies. Clients who hear their own voices, give their own, sometimes brutal, feedback on themselves:

🥴 Ugh, seriously, do I really sound like that?

😖 I HATE my voice

🤐 I sound so… angry/ bored/ childish/ annoying/.. (there are many more adjectives I could write)

This sentence in the article got me thinking- “One of the reasons people tend to avoid offering people feedback.. is that they worry the recipient will feel embarrassed or take offense to it.” Check out the article here.

My remit is not to embarrass or cause offense – I let the microphone do the work.

Working on increasing confidence as an effective speaker, sometimes takes a lot of courage. It means challenging one’s own perceptions of how we come across to others. But the results are always positive, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Helping Good Speakers Become Great Speakers.

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