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Online Presence

Nowadays there’s a greater need to lead teams and participate in regional and global meetings as well as pitch to clients over video conference, testing our communication style in this virtual environment.

So how can you engage your audience, convey ideas and produce results, remotely?

Thank you to Invesco and their Women’s Network, for inviting me to share my research findings from our All Voice Talent communication skills survey.

I conducted this with one specific goal in mind – to create a webinar “Make An Impact Online: Your Voice and Presence”, and address these issues.

Here’s some data from my APAC survey. These % represent respondents marking the below as a  “serious issue” when communicating online.

1️⃣ Speakers who talk too quietly – 62%

2️⃣ Speakers whose voices are difficult to understand  – 70%

3️⃣ Speakers with monotonous delivery – 58%

4️⃣ Speakers who talk too fast  – 68%

5️⃣ Speakers who have no physical presence/impact – 58%

I think we’ve all reached ZOOM burn-out and cognitive overload online, but by being conscious of small adjustments to our vocal delivery and presence on-screen, this awareness can make a real difference in how our message is delivered and received.

Helping Good Speakers Become Great Speakers.

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