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From Great To Excellent

Some of the most rewarding voice coaching experiences are when already great communicators want to hone in on the minutiae of speech traits. There is no overarching ‘issue’, more a desire to understand the process of the voice and the ways to be even more effective as a communicator.

I was delighted to welcome Amelia Lavery to the All Voice Talent studio for a 3-hr Voice Intensive session. Through extensive record, playback and vocal analysis we were able to explore a full range of vocal styles to find out what works and what doesn’t. Through this process, the magic happens. 

Good speakers are able to change their voice according to content and audience, and this is what makes a great voice stand out. 

And what makes a good voice great? 

A good voice is:

🏆 Dynamic
🏆 Engaging 
🏆 Authoritative
🏆 Authentic

Understanding these 4 pillars of communication, will help you to become an even more effective speaker. 

🏆⭐️ Helping Good Speakers Become Great Speakers.